Friday, December 4, 2009

Form 7: Grasp the Bird's Tail (left)

1. Turn torso to the right while right hand moves sideways up in a curve to shoulder level and left hand drops. Draw left foot next to right foot and rest toes on the floor. Both hands continue to circle to a position as though holding a large ball in front of right part of chest, right hand on top.
2. Left leg takes a step sideways. Turn torso to the left and shift weight forward. Bend left leg at the knee and straighten right leg to form a left bow step. Meanwhile, move left arm forward with palm facing inward. At the same time, right hand presses down to the side of right hip with elbow slightly bent.
3. Extend right hand forward and upward until close to left wrist, with right palm turned upward and left palm downward.
4. Turn torso to the right and shift weight onto right leg. Meanwhile, pull both hands down in a curve and then to the right.
5. Raise hands to shoulder level. Then turn torso to left and shift weight forward once again to form a left bow step. Meanwhile roll right arm and place right hand inside left wrist. Both hands then continue to push ahead, with right palm facing forward and left palm backward.
6. Turn both palms down as right hand stretches forward from above left wrist.
7. Separate hands slightly apart and shift weight backward onto the right leg which is bent slightly, with toes of left foot turned up. Draw both hands back and press them down in a curve until they come in front of the lower abdomen.
8. Slowly shift weight forward again to form a left bow step. Both hands simultaneously push forward and obliquely upward to chest height.

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