Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Form 6: Step back and roll arms

1. Open hand (right) - Turn torso to the right and press toes of left foot on the floor. Meanwhile, right hand drops and then raises up in a semicircle with both palms gradually turned upward.
2. Back step (left) - Turn torso to the left. Left leg takes a step backward with toes coming down first on the floor. Meanwhile, roll right arm and draw right hand forward. While weight is shifted backward onto left leg, withdraw left hand. Right hand simultaneously pushes forward. Raise right heel slightly to form right empty step. Left hand comes to the side of left waist, palm facing upward.
3. Open hand (left) - repeat step 1, replacing left with right and vice versa.
4. Back step (right) - repeat step 2, replacing left with right and vice versa.

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