Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Form 4: Brush Knee and Twist Step

1. Right protect and left protect - Put weight on right foot and let left heel rest on the floor. Turn torso to the left and move right arm rightward. Then turn torso to the right and lower the right hand. The left hand simultaneously rises up in a curve with palm turned rightward. Right hand continues to circle past abdomen to the side of the right ear, while left hand goes rightward and then presses down with palm facing downward. Then bring left foot next to right foot and rest toes on the floor, looking in the direction of your right hand.
2. Brush Knee and Twist Step - Left foot moves a little farther forward toward the front, with its heel coming down first on the floor. Turn torso to the left and shift weight forward. As left leg bends at the knee, right leg straightens to form a left bow step. Right hand goes forward in a curve passing side of right ear, in front of mouth, with elbow bent, and then continues to push forward to shoulder level. Left hand simultaneously presses down and brushes around left knee until it stops beside left hip.
3. Hook hand - Shift weight backward and turn torso to the left with toes of left foot turned 45 degrees outward. Right hand moves in front of chest. Then shift weight forward onto left leg. Meanwhile, left hand comes backward and upward with palm turned upward and leftward to the front of the left shoulder with palm gradually turning downward. Draw right foot next to left foot and rest toes on the floor.
4. Brush Knee and Twist Step - repeat step 2, replacing left with right and vice versa.
5. Hook hand - repeat step 3, replacing left with right and vice versa.

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