Thursday, June 3, 2010

Form 18: Work at Shuttles

1. Lower left foot and place it on the floor in front of right foot, toes pointing 45 degrees outward.
2. Turn torso slight to the left. Draw right foot next to left foot and rest toes on the floor. At the same time, move arms to a position as though holding a ball in front of the left part of chest, left arm on the top.
3. Right leg takes a step to the right front as torso turns slightly to the right. Then, shift weight onto right leg to form a right bow step. At the same time, right hand moves upward until it pauses just above right temple with palm turned obliquely upward to form a defensive gesture. Left hand drops slightly and pushes simultaneously to the right front.
4. Repeat steps 1 to 3, replacing left with right and vice versa.